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GarageSaleHomePage.Com uses a unique username.

What is the benefit to the seller? There are many benefits to use only one username per customer; here are some of the major reasons we use this method.
  1. Your Garage will be the only one in our site with that exact name. This makes it much easier for you to reference your Garage to friends or potential buyers.
  2. We think the sellers should have as much control as possible over their Garage. We are here to help you and make your items more visible to the public not tell you how to sell them.
  3. People will have more fun and take more pride in their GarageSaleHomePage if they take a part in the design and building of it.
Here are the benefits to everyone. A great benefit to using a unique username comes into play when we reference our History Center.

  1. In order to keep people from having bad experiences with dishonest people we have developed our History Center. This system is explained in detail on the History Center page.
  2. By using a unique username we can, with our users help, track peoples History and experiences on our site. This will keep the honest people coming back and the dishonest people away.
  3. The unique username will make it easy for you to view a persons History and see how other transactions with our customers have went.
The use of a unique username is the best way to make sure our customers transactions are as safe and risk free as possible.

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