garage Sale Home Page The Free Online Garage Sale

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The Free Online Garage Sale
Custom Search Frequently Asked Questions

Q:- How much does Garage Sale Home Page Cost?
A:- Garage Sale Home Page is free! Completely free! We do not charge for user accounts or online garages. It's just free!!!

Q:- How can Garage Sale Home Page be free?
A:- Garage Sale Home Page covers the cost of the servers with google click through ads and banners.

Q:- How can I advertise my 'Real' Garage or Yard Sale?
A: -To enter your 'Real' garage or yard sale you simply need to enter the date of the sale. Log-in to your account and select the menu "Your Garage" or Your Yard". In this menu select the item "Real Date". On this page you can enter the date you are planning to have your sale. Be sure to click on the "Update" button to save your date.
Your sale will then be displayed when buyers search for a local garage sale.

Q:- Who pays for shipping?
A: -Normally the cost of shipping and the shipping details are made clear by the seller. If a seller has not posted the shippiing details you will have to send them an email and ask. Be sure to ask what carriers are available. Remember that does not get involved in the transaction including shipping arangments.

Q:- How do I protect myself from a bad transaction?
A: -If you feel you need to protect yourself you can always use a broker to safeguard the transaction. Brokers charge a fee and each have a slightly different process. Remember that does not get involved in the transaction including brokerage arangments.

Q:- My items images are broken or not working?
A: -When you add a 'URL' path to an image for an item in the item editor page, your image will be displayed in the items details page and the fact that a picture is available will be shown in many search result pages. Follow 'URL' rules when you enter the image path. Here are some simple guidelines:
1. Enter the complete URL ("")
2. Do not include the quotes.
3. Do not use spaces in the URL or file name.
4. Use only '.gif' or '.jpg' file types.
5. Use the exact character case (ie;'.GIF' or '.jpg') as you use at the files location.{Some servers will and some will NOT respect character case}
6. You can test an image URL in the location field in your web browser. If the Image URL is correct the image will be displayed in the browser window.

Q:- Why does my Garage background image not show up on my Garage Sale Home Page?
A: Here are some common reasons background images do not show: 1. If you don't have any items in your Garage/Yard Sale your background image will be our default image. (Solution) Add an Item to your Sale. 2. Malformed URL - Double check your background image path and be sure to handle the uppercase file names properly.

Q:- How do I change my e-mail address?
A: For security purposes we must change your email address for you. Please provide your Username and both the old and new email addressses to us in an email at

Q:- How do I change my address?
A: 1. From any page click on the "My Garage" button and enter your username and password in the 'Sign In' form. (Click the 'continue' button to Sign In).
2. Step one should result in taking you to your Garage. Below the GarageSaleHomePage Banner and Menu (Buttons) you should see "XYourX" Garage! followed by a 'Tools' Table. In the 'Tools' Table is a link too "Edit your Address 'User Options'". Click on the "User Options" link.
3. You should see the fields you need to change your address. And you will need to enter your password to submit the changes.

Q:- How do I receive payment for my items?
A: doesn't charge a fee or percentage for the sale of your items. Since we are only involved in the advertising of your items it is up to the buyer and seller to resolve the payment method. There are many third party "Brokers" available on the internet to protect the buyers and sellers. will make a sellers e-mail address available to Registered Users. Registration is free and is a part of the "History" for each buyer and seller.

Q:- How do I enter my Garage and enter a new item to sell?
A: Click on the "My Garage" button in the menu at the top of all of the pages. The "My Garage" button will take you to a page with a form to enter your username and password. Enter the appropriate information and click on the "Continue" button and you will enter your "Garage Item Editor" page. Click on the "Add a New Item" button and you will go to the "Add A New Item" page.
Q:- How do I edit my items?
A: After you login to your "Garage Item Editor" page, click on the "Edit" (Pencil/Eraser Icon) to edit that item.

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