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The Free Online Garage Sale
Custom Search Help info page.

Help Links:
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • 'Search Everywhere'
  • 'Find a GarageSaleHomePage'
  • 'Item Number Lookup'
  • 'Non-Cyber' Garage/Yard Sale Finder
  • User Agreement
  • Contact us

    RegisterThis is the Registration page.

    Signin This is the 'Sign In' page. Just enter your username (Garage sale name) and password.

    If you want to go to your Garage editor:
    A. Login here:

    B. Enter your Username/ Garage Sale Name
    C. Enter your password
    D. Click on the "continue" button

    Garage Editor When you login you will be at your "Garage Editor" page which lists the items in your garage. Here is a link , which only works after you login:

    Item Editor
    1. Login to your garage sale account. (See Sign-in instructions above)
      After login you will be at your "Garage Editor" page which lists the items in your garage.
    2. Click on the edit item button (Pencil icon) for the item you want to edit. This will take you to the Edit item page.
    3. Edit the item information and click on the "Update This Item" button. Your changes will be saved and you will see this message: "These changes have been updated".

    Upload an item Image or Photo
    1. Login (See above)

    2. When you login you will be at your "Garage Editor" page which lists the items in your garage. Here is a link , which only works after you login:

    3. Click on the pencil icon for the item you wish to add an image too. Note: Each item in the list has three tools at the beginning of each row. The three tools are the 'Pencil" to edit the item, the "X" to delete the item and the "Sold" icon to mark the item as sold.

    4. When you click on the Pencil icon you will be taken to the item editor. At the item editor page you have two ways you can add an image to the item:

      • Method # 1 an external link to an image on the internet:

        1. Simply enter the fully qualified path in the "Image" field. An example of a fully qualified path is:

        2. After you enter the path into the "Image" field, click on the "Update This Item" button to submit the change.

        3. This completes the process to add an image.

      • Method # 2 upload an image from your computer:

        1. Click on the link "Upload your photo for this item". The link is at the bottom and to the right, next to the camera icon. This link will take you to the Image Upload page for that item.

        2. Click on the "Browse..." button to select the file you wish to upload.
          Note: There is a 2 meg limit for image files. If you have a larger image you can send it via email and we can upload it for you. We only accept jpg, gif and bmp formats.

        3. After you have selected the file, click on the "Send File" button.

      It may take a minute or two, to upload your image, depending on your internet connection speed.

    Announce your Real Garage or Yard Sale
    1. Login (See above)

    2. When you login you will be at your "Garage Editor" page which lists the items in your garage. Here is a link , which only works after you login:

    3. In the "Your Garage" menu select the "Real Date" menu item.

    4. When you select the "Real Date" menu item you will be taken to the "Sale Date" page.
    5. Enter the date of your Real Garage or Yard sale, then click on the "Update" button.
      The date format is: 07/23/2009

    Ways to "Find"

    Here are your choices to 'Find' stuff.

    'Search Everywhere'This is a 'Simple' form with several methods/types of finds available. The first 'Search' form is the "Search Everywhere" form. You can search the 'Item Names' and 'Descriptions' for contents of your keywords/text, and you can control the number of items to display. The other Search forms on this page are listed below.
    'Find a GarageSaleHomePage'The second 'Search' form is the "Find a GarageSaleHomePage" form. You can search for a Garage/Yard Sale by name (Username). This search will take you directly to the Garage/Yard Sale you are looking for.
    'Item Number Lookup'The Third 'Search' form is really a "Lookup" form. You can lookup an item by item number. This 'Lookup' will take you directly to the description for the item you are looking for.
    'Sold Items Search'The Fourth 'Search' form is for Sold items. You may ask Q: "Who cares if an items is sold, what good is that?". A: If you are considering the purchase of an item it might be a good idea to see what they have sold for recently. Or, if you are getting ready to post an item for sale and aren't really sure what price to put on it, try searching the 'Sold Items' database.
    'Non-Cyber' Garage/Yard Sale FinderThe Fifth 'Search' form is for finding a Real Sale in your neighborhood. You can search by 'State' and/or 'Zip Code' and/or 'Date'. You can even Search for a Date Range like: 12/25/99...1/5/2000. Of course we let you control the number of Garage/Yard sales to list per page. Hint: You can broden a search by removing the last number or two from the Zip code.
    Find Newest ItemsA simple search that lists the Newest items added to the database.
    Find Newest GaragesA simple search that lists the Newest Garages added to the database.
    Search TipsAnother of the many GarageSaleHomePage Help pages.

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